Learning mentors provide support and guidance to children and young people who are experiencing difficulties in learning due to social, emotional or behavioural problems or other issues. Learning mentors help pupils overcome these behavioural, social or emotional problems that are affecting their learning.


At Leamington we have our own dedicated Learning Mentor, Mike who is based in school and is available to support any child who is experiencing difficulties.


Support provided by Mike includes:


Mentoring Provision

Working with students on a 1:1 basis, to support them with any social, emotional and mental health barriers. (Specific to the need of the individual). Weekly sessions will be offered, which allows the sessions to be consistent. Contact may be just for a few meetings, or continue throughout a term, depending on the need.

Interventions in overcoming difficulties with Anxiety, Anger management, Behaviour, Friendships, Social and communication skills, Bereavement support, and raising confidence / self-esteem will be completed.  Each session may be discussion lead, or work through a resource pack. This may include worksheets, writing, drawing, games and tasks to complete. Students will be offered advice and opportunities for guided self-help in overcoming their areas of difficulty.

Students and their families will have the opportunity to learn strategies to use both in school and at home to support the child’s mental health and wellbeing.


Think Yourself Great Provision

Working with the Mentor, students will engage in verbal discussions and activities in order to promote a strong sense of self. This provision will cover a range of important topics including: friendship and confidence building. Students will participate in twelve weekly sessions where they will work through discussions, well-being, and listening activities. They will be asked to work individually, and as a group to complete the resources. Students will be able to learn how to maintain stronger friendships, overcoming personal and relationship difficulties and having a stronger sense of self-belief


Talk-About Provision

Weekly sessions for a group of targeted students to support them in developing their self-awareness and self-esteem. Each session will be activity based which may include Art, problem solving, games, discussions, and team building tasks. Students will have the opportunity to grow in confidence when talking within a group setting. Students can share experiences, learn to have a positive outlook, and become more aware of their own and others identity.


Lunch-club Provision

The Lunch-club provision runs daily and is based in the Café area off the main dining hall. Mainly for students who find it difficult to relax, and who are not comfortable in the main dinner hall, due to noise, crowded areas, or have sensory and/or physical needs.

The main aim is to enable students to develop and raise their communication / social skills, and to raise their confidence and self-esteem levels. Students are supported in coping in stressful environments, and to reduce student’s anxiety. Students have the opportunity to Interact with other students, but only in small groups, and have the daily contact with the Mentor to address any difficulties students may have on that day.


Powerhouse Provision

This project targets small groups of students to develop and improve their confidence and self-Esteem. Each session will highlight positive aspects of the child ‘s life, their own value, self-worth, their strengths, ambitions, family, friendship group’s etc.. This will be done by working through worksheets, writing / drawing activities, problem solving tasks, and discussion.

Students will be able to have raised levels of self-esteem and confidence. Students will improve their communication and social skills, having opportunities to speak up in group settings, where students will be supportive to one other.


Socially Speaking Provision

This intervention involves a small group of students working together to complete a board game activity which provides a range of topics to initiate conversation within the group.

The students will be able to improve their social and communication skills, develop their confidence and self-esteem, especially when talking and presenting to others in the group. They will be able to listen appropriately and ask relevant questions to initiate conversations. This will also help with social situations and to enable positive friendships in the future.


Lego Therapy Provision

Lego-based therapy is a play-based intervention that aims to develop social communication skills, such as sharing, turn-taking, following rules, using names and problem-solving. Lego therapy targets small groups of children working initially on a 1:1 basis and building up to a group task.

After a Lego therapy intervention, the young person will have developed / have improved listening and communication skills which they can continue to develop and showcase these skills in other areas of their life.


Resilience Provision

This intervention involves a number of students working together as a group. Students will participate in experiences and activities which will provide techniques in identifying and overcoming barriers in their life. Students will discuss chosen topics, have understanding of each other’s difficulties and learn ways in which they can find support or be able to overcome their own difficulties. This may cover issues such as Friendships, disagreements, confidence, and communication skills.

Children will be able to communicate what they need, how they are feeling and what they would like to do in a particular situation. As a group they can also decide on what topic they wish to raise awareness of around the school environment by completing an Art notice board display.