Welcome to Reception

Welcome everyone to a lovely new start in reception. We hope you are as excited as we are. We are going to learn so much and have so much fun. Thank you, parents, the children look amazing in their new school uniform, and so grown up.

During this half term we will be learning about stories. We will be looking at what we know has happened in the past. Also, our own lives and the lives of people who are special to us. We will begin to develop an awareness of past events. We will know and recognise how we are unique in different ways and how we are proud of our own achievements. We will begin to know, recognise and discuss how and what makes us different to our friends and family through our topic of Stories, we will be working in our continuous provision, developing skills across our curriculum.

Children will engage in daily phonics sessions, learning new sounds to allow them to read and write, we ask that you support your child at home by engaging them and consolidating what they have learnt in school each night for 5minutes to begin with, this will make a massive difference to your child’s development. We will be arranging a meeting with yourselves to introduce you to how we teach phonics and how you can help your child at home, soon.

We also take part in daily maths and literacy sessions, as explained in the welcome pack Children will take part in a weekly P.E session on Friday’s and as you know school is supplying the kit, children will need just P.E pumps.

Reading book bags

Read and sign your reading record every night- books will be changed every Friday so please bring in your book bags each Thursday.

Don’t forget to practice your sounds, and eventually green and red words that are sent home weekly.

Coats and Water bottles

We are out all weathers so please always bring a coat each day and water bottle.

Reception Homework Menu – Autumn 1

EYFS Curriculum adapted to meet the needs of SEND children – EYFS SEND Adaptions


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