Welcome to Year 5.
Welcome to our first half term in Year 5.
The Year 5 team would like to welcome all children back after the summer holidays! We hope the children have recharged their batteries and are ready for an exciting first term in Year 5.
In English this term we will be starting a new book, ‘The Egyptian Cinderella’. We will be exploring themes in the book such as culture and traditions, slavery and differences. The book links with our History topic – ‘How can we rediscover the wonder of Ancient Egypt?’ We will be researching famous pharaohs, hieroglyphics and Tutankhamun. We will be designing our own 3D pyramids using Lego digital designer to enhance our computing skills.
This half term in Maths we will be starting with our ‘Number’ topic. We will be looking at place value and ordering and comparing numbers. We will also be exploring negative numbers in real life context and Roman Numerals. Once we have completed these topics, we will move on to our addition and subtraction methods.
Our Science topic is called ‘Can you feel the force?’ This will involve exploring famous scientists such as Isaac Newton, investigating different forces such as water resistance, air resistance and friction. We will be carrying out investigations such as ‘which makes the best parachute and why?’ and ‘which surface reduces the amount of friction?’
Some important information for Year 5 parents/carers:
- Year 5 will have PE on a Thursday mornings – please ensure children have appropriate footwear.
- Children will be taking part in weekly Spanish sessions of a Thursday.
Year 5 teachers would like to encourage children to bring in water bottles and a piece of fruit for snack, if they wish. Reading Book should be brought in everyday so children do not miss any opportunities to read to an adult. Homework menus are given out at the beginning of every half term for children to complete at their own pace. Finally, a reminder that our homework menus are available via ClassDojo and our school website for the children to complete over the half term.
Year 5 Autumn 1 Home school Sheet
Year 5 History Knowledge Organiser
Year 5 Science Knowledge Organiser