Safe and Well
Keeping Safe and Well at home
Whilst the school is closed, our duty and responsibility to safeguard our pupils remains. Our regular check ins with families needing a bit of extra help and support will continue throughout the period of school closure. Please do not feel offended if a member of school staff calls to check in with you. If you have any safeguarding concerns while the school is closed for your child or for any other pupil from the school, please contact us on:
For more information, please visit our Safeguarding page
Important policies:
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2023-2024
Parents of pupils with SEND:
Should you require any further support, advice and guidance whilst school is closed, please contact Miss Boyd or Mrs Tyson via email on:
Please state your name, contact details, name of the child/children and the nature of your enquiry.
A member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.
For more SEND infromation, please visit our SEND page.
Support Agencies contact numbers
Culture Liverpool – SEND Parenting
This video provides lots of ideas for supporting children during lockdown. Although it is specifically aimed at supporting neurodiverse children, there are lots of strategies that would be good for all children.
Click here.
Barnardo’s ‘See Hear Respond’ service
See Hear Respond is a service provided across England by Barnardo’s and other national and local community-based organisations in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.
The programme has been created to help children and young people in England who are experiencing harm and increased adversity during this period by providing support to those who are not being seen by social care or other key agencies.
Working with its partners, Barnardo’s aims to reduce the likelihood of harm and ensure other support and protective networks are in place using:
- online digital support, including advice and information, online counselling and a telephone helpline
- face to face interventions, such as support for groups at risk outside the home and one to one support
- reintegration into education, including assessments and the delivery of support pathways back to education
See Hear Respond accept referrals from any source either through the Freephone number 0800 151 7015 and via the online referral hub.
ADHD Foundation Information:
Clinical referrals:
For General Enquiries: info@
For School Consortia Therapeutic Support, please email: Tracy.dickens@
For Looked After Children, Virtual School & Safeguarding Queries, please email: Julia.hardman@
For Early Years or Training Services, please email: Emma.weaver@
All other Therapeutic Services:- Tracy.dickens@
Tel No: 07809342592 (Tracy Dickens – Director of Therapeutic Services)
Facebook: ADHDFoundation
Twitter: @ADHDFoundation
Mental Health support for children
Tips for talking to your children about Covid-19
Daily news updates for children
Tiny Happy People
Activities for developing younger children’s language and communication
Go Noodle
Videos for physical wellbeing
Advice for personal hygiene and preventing spread of disease
Support for Sleep
Anxiety about COVID-19
Save the children Covid-19 pack
Save the Children – UK Covid-19 Resource
Esafety Resources
Parent Talk
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Behaviour
- Stages and Development
- Additional needs and disabilities
- Education
- Parenting and Relationships
- Sleep
- Nutrition and healthy eating
Self care Summer
Well being
Mental Health Support
Mental Wellbeing Y1-2 Lesson PowerPoint
Y1-2 Resource 1 – Feelings Vocabulary Cards
Mental Wellbeing Y3-4 Lesson PowerPoint
Y3-4 Resource 1 – Feelings Match Up
Y3-4 Resource 2 – Body Outline
Mental Wellbeing Y5-6 – Lesson PowerPoint
Y5-6 Resource 1 – Activities for Health
Y5-6 Resource 2 – Helpful for Mental Health List
Mental Health Acts of Kindess
Information from Cobalt
Are you worried about money?
We would like to reassure our tenants that we are here for you. If you are struggling financially due to the effects of COVID-19, please don’t suffer in silence. Our welfare benefits team can help. Please note: Our welfare benefits advice line is available Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday between 10am-1pm.
All advice is free and impartial.
Speak to our team on0330 303 2222, and select option 3
Email the team on
As the restrictions are starting to ease please be aware that the Jobcentre are re-implementing benefit sanctions from 1st July 2020. We are encouraging our tenants to please log into your account and re-start your job seekers commitments as soon as possible.
What to do if you are affected by a benefit sanction?
Please contact our welfare benefits team urgently. We’re here to help.
Learn more
Concerned about paying your rent while self-isolating?
Are you confused about your benefit entitlements?
Turn2Us offer a free easy-to-use benefits calculator and grant search tool and you are able to check what grants you can apply for.
Learn more
We are continuing to provide our usual employment services for our tenants during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our community regeneration team can help you finda local job opportunity. Call our team on 0330 303 2222 or email allcommunityregeneration
We will fund our tenants to complete courses in health and safety, business skills and health and social care.
Cobalt tenants can apply for up to £500 to support them into work and training opportunities.
Learn more
What you can do to help us
If you and your family are shielding or have been advised by the NHS track and trace programme to self-isolate please get in touch with us as quickly as possible on 0330 303 2222 so we can update our records.
Year 6 have you checked out the ‘Kooth’ website yet?
Kooth is free, safe and anonymous place for young people from Year 6+ to find online support. This website has proven very popular with secondary school children, and can help support you with your wellbeing, any worries or simply to support your transition from primary to secondary school. There are a bunch of features and tools for you to use whether you are looking for advice or simply not feeling your best. Some of these features are:
Kooth (online) magazine written by young people- it is a place full of opinions, creative pieces and personal experiences, which can help the children express themselves and help others along the way.
Discussion boards– you can start or join a conversation on all sorts of things about anxiety or how to relax after a hard day.
Kooth goals– a place for you to set smart, personal goals and track your progress to meeting them
Kooth journal– your own online diary that will help you track how your mood changes as a result of what happens throughout the week.
Kooth chat and messenger– a place to chat to Kooth’s team of counsellors about anything that may be bothering you.
Click on the link below to find out more about this resource.
Further information
Primary Schools’ Wellbeing Booklet
Supporting your child during shutdown
Online Safety
As children will be increasing their usage of electronic devices/internet, please remember we have a wealth of online safety information and resources for parents/carers and children on our Online safety page. Click here to access this.
Important Telephone Numbers
‘Many residents will be following the local and national advice around household isolation and social distancing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
This advice is in place to limit the spread of the virus and keep as many people as safe and well as possible.
We know that there are vulnerable people in our communities who will be more concerned than others about the prospect of staying at home for a number of reasons, including those who have been the victims of domestic abuse such as violence or coercive and controlling behaviour.
While all public services are adapting to new ways of working during this pandemic, our message to anyone who is experiencing domestic abuse is clear: You are not alone and you don’t have to suffer in silence – we will still be here for you, no matter what.
Liverpool City Council, Merseyside Police, Local Authorities and providers of domestic abuse support across Merseyside will continue working together to maintain essential services and contacts for anyone affected by domestic abuse during the weeks and months to come.
Support will still be available by telephone, text message or online services.
Who to contact:
If you, your child or anyone in the family are at immediate risk of harm, you should contact the police urgently, CALL 999
If you are a Liverpool resident and are experiencing domestic abuse or believe someone you know is please contact support services via: (directory of services)
or call
Worst Kept Secret Helpline: 0800 028 3398
Further support can also be found at these national agencies:
Women’s Aid | |
National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247 (24 hours)
Refuge (includes information for men) | | 0808 200 0247 (24 hours)
The Men’s Advice Line, for male domestic abuse survivors – 0808 801 0327
National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0800 999 5428
Samaritans (24/7 service) – 116 123
Other pages you may find useful: