Welcome to Leamington Nursery!

A big welcome to Leamington Nursery, we believe that every child should have the best possible start in life with the greatest opportunities to learn and develop to their full potential. We are confident that Leamington Nursery can offer this.

Leamington Nursery is a 104 place Nursery who offer 15 hour and 30 hour places for children from the age of 3 years old. Our sessions are mornings, afternoons and full time.

We recognise that every child, like every parent, is an individual and this underpins the way we plan and teach our curriculum and develop the children’s learning environment. We have an excellent indoor and outdoor environment which caters for all needs and interests of the children allowing them to thrive.

Our Nursery session times are:
Mornings: 8.30am – 11.30am
Afternoons: 12.15pm – 3.15pm
Full time: 9.00am – 3.00pm

If you are interested in your child starting nursery at Leamington. Please contact our office staff for further information on 0151 284 7848.

The nursery staff will provide all parents with very useful information on Getting Ready for Nursery, suggestions on helping children to settle in, as well as notes on routines and procedures.

Meet our Nursery Staff

Miss. Curran – Teacher

Miss. Noon – Learning Support Officer

Mrs. Theobold – Learning Support Officer

Here at Leamington we have a close dedicated team of Early Years specialists who love what we do day in and day out! Our staff show great passion for working with children and their families and always strive to get the best outcomes for the children. We aspire to create a home from home environment for the children, whilst maintaining and providing exceptional learning and development opportunities for each child.

Our Uniform

At Leamington we have introduced a uniform for the nursery and reception children. It consists of a practical royal blue jogging suit with a white polo shirt. This uniform is optional but is proving very popular with the children and parents.
Unfortunately there is no option to buy the uniform from school, however our uniform is available from local uniform shops in the area.

As we spend lots of time outside, we strongly encourage our parents to ensure their children are dressed appropriately for outdoor provision and have shoes that they can fasten themselves.

It is also recommended that all items of clothing have your child’s name clearly marked in each garment to prevent any items becoming mixed up or lost.

Our typical Nursery day

We have a nursery routine which we stick to everyday. Although some activities change daily the general flow of our routine is the same to give the children a sense of security and stability. We believe that routines help children feel safe and secure in their environment.

Our typical day goes as follows:

8.30 – Nursery opens for Morning children and close at 8.40am.

8.50 – Nursery opens for Full Time children.

  • Children arrive
  • Register time and Wake up and Shake Up
  • Magic Story Box time
  • Adult led activity alongside Continuous Provision (indoor and outdoor)
  • Tidy up time
  • Phonics and Maths group session

11.30 – Full time children start their lunch

  • Story time and Music and Movement activities

11.30 – Home time for Morning children

12.15 – Nursery opens for Afternoon children

  • Children arrive
  • Register time and Wake up and Shake Up
  • Magic Story Box time
  • Adult led activity alongside Continuous Provision (indoor and outdoor)
  • Tidy up time
  • Phonics and Maths group session
  • Story time and Music and Movement activities

3.00 – Home time for all children

If your child is allocated a full time place at our Nursery, they will need to bring their own packed lunch as lunch is not provided. As part of our commitment to the healthy growth and development of our learners we promote healthy eating in school. Therefore we ask if you could only pack healthy and nutritious foods into your child’s lunch box and provide a drink of fresh water, as juice or fizzy drinks are not permitted.

If you would like some help with what to pack in your child’s lunch box, speak to a member of the Nursery team for some useful ideas.

Our Nursery environment

At Leamington, we are lucky enough to have an amazing indoor and outdoor environment, which the children and staff love very much. Our nursery environment is designed to enable children to develop the independence and confidence they need to become engaged in their learning and have lots of fun.

Resources are clearly labelled and stored to enable children to get them out and put them away themselves. In this way, the children can make choices about what to use and when to use it, whilst developing a sense of responsibility and care towards their own nursery environment.

Children are able to access a wide range of learning areas including, writing and mark-making, computers, sand, water, blocks, role play, reading area and an extensive creative area.

The outdoor area is seen as an integral part of the nursery’s provision and it has been planned to enable those children who prefer to learn outside for some or most of the time, to engage in the same quality of learning as they would indoors. Whilst outside the children have lots of access to lots of resources such as a climbing wall, bike area, giant sandpit, fireman’s pole and our amazing garden area, where the children enjoy growing their own fruit and vegetables.

By providing the children with a rich, fulfilling environment, offering indoor and outdoor continuous provision, we can provide exciting and challenging learning opportunities for every level of interest, from the most active “outdoor” learner to those who like to work for hours on their own special project.

Our Curriculum

At Leamington Nursery we use the Early Years Foundation Stage as guidance for our planning and preparation for everything we teach. The Early Years Foundation Stage has 7 areas of learning. Each area of learning must be implemented through planned, purposeful play and a mix of adult‐led and child‐initiated activity. Play is essential for children’s development.

Staff deliver a Curricular Immersive approach in line with the rest of the school, where the children are brought into ‘Magic Story World’ through our Magic Story box and introduced to many different characters and stories allowing our imagination to thrive. From this, daily adult led activities are planned where the children can be introduced to new ideas, providing opportunities for them to develop their knowledge and skills, and ensure that they experience all aspects of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage.

In Nursery we also deliver daily Maths and Phonics sessions. We follow the ‘Read Write Inc’ phonics program, which is a whole-school approach to teaching literacy to 3 to 9-year olds that helps to encourage children to become fluent readers, confident speakers and enthusiastic writers.

What is going on this half term?

We are so excited to be back this year welcoming all our new and old children back to Nursery.

We will start the year learning all about our family and different type of homes. We will talk about how every family is different and we all have different ways of living. We will be looking at different types of home and how each home is different inside and out.

The children will be spending lots of time outside. We will be exploring the trikes and scooters, using our gross motor skills to push the pedals around. Children will be also working on their balancing skills and encouraged to use our climbing wall to build upper body strength.

We will be jumping straight back into our Phonics and Maths sessions. Children will be revisiting all sounds and special friends and learn how to blend them during Fred Talk activities. During Maths, the children will be exploring number and learning how to recognise numbers in the environment.

We will also be learning new stories through our Language Enrichment group sessions. Children will learn how to retell a story using a story map and different actions, to help us remember different parts of the story. We will look at characters and settings of a story and the children will be provided with lots of role play materials to act out different scenes and become different characters within their play.

Finally, we would also like to remind you of our Nursery opening times.
Morning children: 8.30am – 11.30am – the gate will be open from 8.30 – 8.40am
Afternoon children: 12.15pm – 3.15pm – the gate for home time will be opened at 2.55pm
Full time children: 9.00am – 3.00pm – the gate will be open from 8.50 – 9.00am

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Curran, Miss Noon and Mrs T.

Nursery Homework Menu – Autumn 1

Nursery Knowledge Organiser – Autumn Term


Useful Websites for EYFS Parents











Toilet Training





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