Welcome to year 3!

Mrs Marshall and Mrs Mellor would like to welcome all of our year 3 children back to school after a lovely summer off. We are really excited to have lots of amazing and fun lessons planned for the curriculum.

In English this half term we will be looking at stories from familiar settings. Children will explore settings in depth and focus on advancing their descriptive vocabulary. They will be given the opportunity to portray characters within different settings through drama. We will also be working on different types of poetry and report writing. We will use this opportunity to link these with our Geography topic of ‘What makes the Earth angry?’ Children will be given spellings to learn every week and a spelling sheet will be provided for them to write their spellings on each day. Our Narrative book this half term is Flood by Alvaro F. Villa.

In Maths the children will be working on ‘number’. This will include place value, ordering numbers and learning their number bonds. Children will also focus on using and applying addition and subtraction methods, which will include both mental and written strategies. They will continue to learn their 3, 4 and 8 times table, and the corresponding division facts.

The curriculum’s age-related expectations mean children should leave year 3 being able to recall their 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables. Children will continue with practising their times tables in school.

Our Geography topic this half term is ‘What makes the Earth angry?’  The children will be learning about the impact of natural disasters.  The main focus will be looking at famous volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis and severe weather. We will also be looking at the location of these using atlases and digital maps.

What you can do at home:

Go to the library and borrow books on volcanoes, tsunamis, earthquakes and severe weather.  Discuss with your child any knowledge you have on the impact of severe weather e.g. Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Katrina.

We are looking forward to another great half term! 😊

Mrs Marshall and Mrs Mellor


Some important information for Year 3 parents/carers:

  • Children will take part in weekly P.E. lessons on Monday (weather permitted)
  • Reading books should be brought into school every Thursday to be changed

Year 3 teachers would like to encourage children to bring in water bottles and a piece of fruit for snack, if they wish.


Year 3 Curriculum Overview

Home school sheet Autumn 1

Year 3 Angry Earth Knowledge Organiser

Year 3 Homework Menu Autumn 1

Year 3 Science Rocks Knowledge Organiser


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