Welcome to Year 4

Year 4

Mrs. Baxter and Mrs. Nickson would like to welcome all of our new year 4 children back to school! We hope you all had a great summer and are ready for a busy fun year of learning! We are really excited to be in year 4 and have many fun, creative lessons planned for the new curriculum.

Our first history topic is based on the Romans and we aim to answer the question: ‘Why were the Romans so powerful and what did we learn from them?’ We will be researching the legacy of the Romans and also linking this to our new English topic of ‘Stories with historical settings’. Within this topic, we will be reading a Roman story ‘Escape from Pompeii’ by Christina Balit before moving on to writing newspaper articles based on events from the Roman era.

In maths we will also look at Roman numerals as well as place value, multiples, rounding and mental and written addition and subtraction methods.

We are looking forward to getting to know you all!

Some important information for Year 4 parents/carers:

  • Children will take part in weekly Spanish lessons on Thursdays
  • Reading books will be given out on a Monday and should be in school to be changed every Friday. Any children continuing with phonics will also get a phonics book to be returned by Thursday
  • E lessons will be on a Wednesday. Please ensure your child has pumps/ trainers every Wednesday.

Year 4 teachers would like to encourage children to bring in water bottles and a piece of fruit for snack, if they wish.


Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check (MTC):

In June, Year 4 will be taking part in the Multiplication Tables Check (MTC).  This is an on-screen check consisting of 25 times tables questions. Children will answer three practice questions before moving on to the official check, and will then have 6 seconds to answer each question. On average, the check should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete.

In preparation for the check, we will be using the ‘try it out’ area on the MTC site with the children so that they are aware of the expectations and know not to worry about the exercise. As being able to recall times tables along with their corresponding division facts, is so important for children in many areas of their life, we always practise times tables in a range of different ways so this will also help prepare the children for the MTC.

Please note, statistics on MTC data will be published on the GOV.UK website in October, however school and pupil level data will not be published.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to talk to the Year 4 teachers, Mrs. Mellor or Mr. Vine. More information can be found at:

Information for Parents Multiplication Tables Check

How to prepare

A good way to prepare is start early and build a daily routine practising the times tables. With regular practise you will learn all the questions and gain confidence. We suggest practising 10 to 15 minutes a day for optimal results.

With the year 4 multiplication timetables fast approaching, it is important that all children are confident in recalling their timetables up to 12×12. Here are some websites for the children to use at home.

You can either download the App or use the website below. Your child will be given their username and password in school. This will help children answer at speed.


  • Hit the button

This interactive game will also encourage children to answer at speed.



Year 4 Curriculum overview


Year 4 History Knowledge Organiser – Romans

Year 4 Home school sheet Autumn 1

Year 4 Homework Menu Autumn 1

Year 4 Science Knowledge Organiser – States of Matter