Our School
Leamington’s school uniform comprises of:
White blouse; grey skirt, gymslip or trousers: navy pullover, cardigan or school sweater or cardigan; blue tie: blue and white check dress or polo shirt in the summer; sensible black school shoes (no trainers or heels)
White shirt and blue tie; grey trousers; navy blue pullover; cardigan or school sweater; polo shirt in the summer; sensible black school shoes.
School ties: School ties are available from the school office.
Pe Kit
Children need a pair of navy blue or black shorts and a white tee shirt for PE. They will also need a pair of elasticated pumps. PE kit should be left in school in a draw string bag. Junior children will need warm outdoor clothing for games lessons; on swimming days they should bring a pair or trunks or a one piece swimsuit and towel.
Please label all clothing with your child’s name. Neither the governors nor the LEA can take responsibly for the loss of clothing or personal effects.